Friday, June 6, 2008
I've been tagged by Jen!
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 22:47 0 comments
Lets not forget about Evan!!
I put so many pictures and stories about Alex and Riley on here but sometimes end up leaving out Evan. Its not that I forget about him its just that most of the time when I'm taking pictures of us out and about I have Evan in my hip so its kinda hard to get a picture when he's that close. I do take pictures of him when we are at home and especially when the older two are sleeping but don't really have a story behind them so I end up not posting them. Well I've decided to try a new thing to maybe get some laughs. I'm going to post pictures of him with a caption of what I think he might be thinking or what he might say if he could speak. Hope you enjoy!
Ice cream..... yum!!He's thinking about the meaning of life!
Can't a boy get some alone time??
Does this kid even have his license yet?My brother tells the best stories!
I swear that lady has the camera glued to her face half of the day.
I'm getting so big!!
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 16:00 1 comments
Pump It Up!
My kids love to go to Pump It Up. For those who don't know what that is I'll explain. Pump it up is an indoor facility with 4 big bounce houses that are all different. There is an obstacle course, a bounce house that has basketball nets in it, a bounce house with a small slide and another one with a huge slide. My kids run from one thing to another laughing all the while and breathing hard. Just watching them wears me out. Here are some pictures from the last time we went. We went with my friend Jen and her boys Phillip and Andrew but I don't know if they even saw each other b/c they were all running around ( and jumping) like crazy.
Its water break time!!
Look how red her face is!!
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 15:40 0 comments
Those of you that know me well, know that I love, love, love boiled peanuts!! Well I pretty much love any kind of peanut or tree nut but especially peanuts. My kids have joined me in this food crave only now they can open the peanuts by themselves. Let me tell you what a celebration this is for me. It use to be that when we would sit down to enjoy some boiled peanuts I'd spend 99% of the time opening the peanuts for them and 1% actually getting to eat them. I just couldn't keep up with them when it came to me opening them and them eating the peanuts. But now that is no more. I can now once again enjoy by peanuts but the only draw back is, I have to share!!
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 15:26 0 comments
Pre-3 Graduation!
Two weeks ago Alex had his preschool graduation and let me tell you, it was rough on me. I watched him run up to his teacher to get his "certificate" and all I could think of was how in 14 years he will be graduating from high school. Of course Ian thinks I'm just completely crazy!! Maybe I am but I just feel like my little man is growing up waaaayyyy too fast. He's going to be 4 in a couple weeks and I'm just in shock on how fast time as flown by. Here are some pics for his class party on the last day of school. Doesn't he look so grown up??
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 14:56 0 comments
Is It Bath Time or Potty Time?
Does it seem like every time you put the kids in the bath tub they immediately have to get out to use the potty? I even make my kids go to the bathroom first before getting into the tub and we still have at least one of them that ends up having to get out mid-bathe to use the potty again. The other day the kids were in our big bathtub (which is a special treat for them) and Riley had to go, umm,.... poop. So of course she was covered in bubbles while I got her out of the tub to put her on the toilet. It made for a good picture though.
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 14:47 1 comments
What???? I Work!!
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 14:10 0 comments