Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Our day at the strawberry patch!

We final made it to the strawberry patch outside of town. It only took five years of living her but it was worth the wait b/c the kids really enjoyed themselves. I think they ate more strawberries then we bought. We went with a bunch of my mom friends and there kids and it turned out to be a really fun day!

Here's a picture of Evan's very first wagon ride.

I don't think Riley put a single strawberry in our box. She ate everyone that she picked.

Alex was excited to show me all the "wonderful strawberries" he picked. When I looked in the box I could see that he had picked all green ones. When I explained to him that we could only pick the red ones he looked at me like I was nuts and said "Mom, the green ones want to come home with us, too!" His heart is in the right place.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Why Evan will never be in a Gerber commercial

I gave Evan fruit baby food for the first time the other day and let me just say, it WASN'T a hit. He acted as though I was feeding him dog food or something. I was thinking of sending this video in to Gerber to get Evan an audition for a commercial. What do you think? Do you think we have the next Gerber baby? LOL! Hope you enjoy this video as much as we do. Have Fun!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

"Ants in Her Pants!"

Today was a rainy day so we decided to take the kids to see a movie. Brave, I know! I knew that Alex would do alright, he's almost four so he has the ability to sit for longer periods of time, especially if he has food. Riley I was a little nervous about. She was fine up until she had to use the bathroom. Ian took her and when they got back it was like she literally had "ants in her pants". She could not sit still for anything. We were sitting in the last row and she kept trying to sneak down the stairs. Finally, we got her to sit on one of the steps but she ended up trying to talk to the little girl who was sitting in the seat next to that step. I decided to pull out the secret stash of candy but that only kept her seated for about 2.6 minutes before she was out of her seat again. Why is it when you want them to stay seated (and quite) they act like wild animals and when you want them to exert some energy they stand there like a lump on a log.

I'm reminded of all the times I've met my friend Jen at the park with her kids. Before we got there my kids were literally bouncing off the walls and then when we get to the park they just end up staring at Phillip and Andrew the whole time. I end up getting worn out by trying to get them to go play.

After the movie we went to get some lunch. I had a craving for some chicken wings ( I always have a craving for chicken wings) so we went to Buffalo Wild Wings. Ian and the kids walked down to some shops while I waited for our table and I over heard (okay, I was totally ease dropping) a waitress tell her table that they were out of hamburgers, mac & cheese (Riley's fav), coke and a whole section of something else. I knew that when Ian came back and I told him he'd want to just leave, which we did, so I prepared myself to eat something else. What kind of restaurant runs out of that much food? Poor management I guess!

We then walked down the Red Brick pizza place and let me tell you that pizza is goooodd!! We got the bbq chicken pizza (which is my fav at the Rain Forest Cafe) and now I have a feeling that will be our new pizza place.

Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday with your family. See you soon.

Have fun!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Day at the Farm!

This past Friday the kids, Ian and I went to a farm that is owned by the mother in law of a friend of mine, Renee. She hosted a playdate at the farm for all of moms and their kids that are part of our MOPS (mothers of pre-schoolers) group on the beach. It was a blast. We made a picnic and had lunch there while all the kids played and enjoyed all the many kinds of animals. The especially loved all the different types of bugs they found. We had such a wonderful time as a family and I wanted to share some of the pictures with all of you. Have Fun!

Video of the kids!

Those of you who see us on a regular bases know that Alex and Riley love their "baby brother, Evan". Here is a little video of Alex trying to make Evan laugh. Sometimes he gets a little rough but all he wants to do is "make his brother happy!" Have Fun!!

Having a Blast at Amber's birthday party!

The kids and I recently returned from a trip to Orlando where we were visiting my older sister and her family. My niece Amber just turned 4 and we were there to celebrate at her birthday party. It was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast. Here are some pictures of our wonderful day.

Have Fun!!

Overall, a Really Fun Day!

So the Saturday before Easter I had a fun filled day planned for the kids. When Ian's out of town I try to keep the kids busy so that 1.) they won't realize how much they miss Ian and 2.) so that bed time is easier b/c they are so tired.
We started out the day with an Easter Egg Hunt at Frank Brown where they both got a ton of eggs (most with age-inappropriate candy. Who gives a 2 year old gum and jolly ranchers??). We then went to the "Spring Fling" that they were having at the Navy Base. We ate hot dogs and Popsicles and then the kids played on the numerous bounce houses that were there. They ran around for 2 whole hours and then when it was time to leave, total melt down. I was exhausted and all I had been doing was walking from one activity to another and they were all red in the face from all the running around and jumping they had been doing. How do they do it? And why is it no matter how much time you spend at the park or play date its never enough?
We did have a fun day though. We went on another egg hunt at a nearby church later that evening and then had a picnic dinner while they played with other kids from the church. As much as I hate the melt downs and complaining when its time to leave, its worth seeing the smiles on the faces when they are enjoying the moment. Now I just need to do the same.
Have Fun!!