Evan with one of Riley's purses. Looks good on him, don't you think? Evan loves animals, especially his doggie, Charlie
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Some of my Favorite Pics of Evan!
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 14:51 1 comments
The Evil Squirrel
A few months ago while on the back porch I noticed that the cushion on the swing was all torn up. Of course, I yelled at the kids for doing it and told them that were not allowed to sit on the swing anymore. Then a few days after that while having lunch with the kids on the back porch the real culprit came forward!!
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 14:27 2 comments
Our Trip to Knoxville- March 2009
For Spring Break this year we took the kids to Knoxville, Tn to visit with Ian's family. We had a great time even though it was a pretty short visit and the kids loved playing with their cousins Hannah and Ethan.
butterflies and birds everywhere.
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 13:24 0 comments
The Past Year at a Glimpse!!
WOW!! Can't believe I haven't posted anything in over a year. I promise to be a more loyal blogger for all my fans out there (all three of you). So without further ado here's a quick blurb of whats been going on this past year to help get you all caught up on the musings of the Fulton household.

Riley turned THREE in September!!!
She shared her birthday party with her friends Ethan and Veronica (who are twins)
We rented a big water slide for the party but I think Riley is the only one who didn't get on.
Picking out Pumpkins for Halloween
Alex liked the "lumpy" ones.
Evan was not a fan of Santa's this past year.
My cousin Gail's husband made this for the kids. They LOVED it!!
Alex and Riley getting a plate ready for Santa and his reindeer.
Riley's first sleepover with her friend Rae!
One of my favorite pictures of Evan. He loves to do whatever Alex is doing.
Evan doing his chores!!!!
Picnic in the front yard with Riley, Evan and Buzz Lightyear!
Posted by The Full(ton) House at 11:29 2 comments
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